Friday, August 8, 2008

Response to Tony, Re-up, and the hundreds

Tony's last two post have really pissed me off. I'll start with the Clipse album review...That album review was so fucking ridiculous. It made me want to rip my eyeballs out and piss on them.

How are you going to say you dont fuck with the direction that that going in? This is the most buzz that the Clipse have had in years. Star Trak had them niggas on the shelves; So they moved the fuck on, as they should have. This summer you have been on Pharrell's dick so hard that I cant even believe it; I mean I never saw this coming.. Star Trak uses artist for a short while, releases a cd or two, and then doesnt fuck with them anymore . What new shit have you heard from Phillys most wanted, Slim thug, Nore, or Rosco. Nothing thats what. The Clipse are doing exactly what the fuck they should be doing; Taking control of the situation.. Now lets talk about the album; You go on to say:

"Lyrically, Malice and Pusha take you to the streets, and really let you in on that everyday struggle with the soft to hard"

Are you serious Tony, your not allowed say that. WHAT THE FUCK do you know about Cocaine? Shit, thats whats you know. SHIT...

Next, you say AB and Sandman should only have a few bars at the most on every track..Your fuckin stupid. Nobody in the game right now is fuckin with Ab's pen. His shit is on a whole different level. Im not saying he's the hottest out. Pusha, Styles, Luda have that on lock. What I am saying is that he's uncomparable; he has his own style. That nigga can spit with he best of them. As far as Sandman goes.. FLAMES.. He is without doubt better than Malice on this album. Malice is the worst one, and thats not a bad thing cuz them other niggas is hot.

This is Tony:

What the fuck is he going to tell me about a fuckin clipse album or anything that has any relation to the streets.... If your taking heed to what he's saying your a fucking idiot.

You saying that the Clipse sound much better over a Neptune beat; What the hell is that supposed to mean? Who doesnt sound better over a Neptune beat? It doesnt take a genius to figure that out. That shit goes without saying.

I would never speak on something that I dont know anything about. Tony only likes the Clipse because theyre from Virginia and theyre part of that whole BBC/BAPE/Pharrell thing. He cant honestly appreciate the Clipse or Re-Up as a whole because thats out of his realm. He's not from that type of nieghborhood and hasnt been exsposed to that kind people or circumstances.

My take: The Re-Up album is NOT a good album; the mixtapes are much better. Most of the songs on the album are the accapella's from the mixtape just put on top of different little happy ass beats. They didnt even re-record the shit. Whoever produced the album and allowed that shit to come out like that is a asshole. I still copped it because re-up is the shit, and I fuck with them niggas like that. If anything you should definitely get the WE GOT IT 4 CHEAP series( Esp. #3).. Dont listen to any songs off the album except for million dollar corner everything else is old shit thats they just laced.

And as for that Hundreds post; I dont even know what to say about that. I didnt even know your fucked with the hundreds, Until I saw you with one of theyre tee's on in your profile pic a few weeks ago. Stop that shit Tony, it's not a goodlook for you. And besides every fuckin streetwear blog has a post about the hundreds and that Everyone nose remix video up. You should know that and avoid putting the same bullshit up that you can find anywhere else. I could see if todd put the shit up. Everybody knows he's in love with those guys.. but tone thats not even your thing. Leave that kind of stuff alone. To each his own Tony

Tony's my boy im not trying to bash him in anyway with this post. He just needs to learn when to shut his fucking mouth.



Blogger Tonyhall89 said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

August 8, 2008 at 2:04 PM  
Blogger Montana said...

We both know you deserve much worst. Im just beating you up right now. Im not even tryna kill you

August 8, 2008 at 2:17 PM  

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