Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Jewels Tiimmeee

Yesterday the Nuggets and Pistons came to an agreement sending AI to Detroit; Billups and McDyess to Denver... Bottom Line- this trade is the shit. AI and Melo werent about to win a chip together and the pistons with that no star player, "weere a team" bullshit is over with. We saw that last year in the playoffs when the sixers was cookin them niggas..Denver needs defense, Chauncy and McDyess provide just that and even thought theyre kinda old they both can still score...As far as the pistons go: AI, SHEED, RIP, TAYSHAUN, Baby D Wade(Stuckey)..

The League is already the best its ever been. Now you got AI and Sheed together. The pistons are back and its "Jewels Time". Chuance told me earlier that the Pistons are his new team.(If you know chaunce, you know how he feels about AI). I cant say the same...But I fuck with them...alot


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