Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Being one of the only girls on thequarterhug I figured I would speak out about valentine’s day since I know nobody else really will. I mostly want to speak on it because I just got off the phone with boogs brother TJ .. and for some reason when I hung up the phone it was clear to me that love no matter if its between a boyfriend and girlfriend, girlfriend and girlfriend, boyfriend and boyfriend, mother and child, father and child etc is extremely powerful. Not that TJ and I don’t have the type of relationship where we don’t speak to each other, but being in Atlanta getting a call from him was a really good look, like he could have easily hit me up on facebook and said everything he did through a message or wall post but the fact that he called really meant something. I guess my main point here is that ive been seeing A LOT of peoples status on facebook referring to valentine’s day and how they hate it or they wish they had someone to share it with, or that its just a regular day and it shouldn’t even be a holiday. My thing is everyday should be valentines day, there should never be a day when you don’t tell someone you love you that you love them .. that candy and roses shit is great and all but that’s not really the important part to me .. Being in a relationship for now 7 months to this day basically a year if you look at it in other ways with someone who is clearly my friend before boyfriend I have learned so many things. Most importantly I have gained basically another family not just his actual blood but some of his friends have really became some of my really good friends and im really thankful for it, especially being down here in Atlanta with them (shoutout to the TQH fam). Anyway im done with all this love shit buttt I do want to say that I hope everyone has a really good v-day and to keep everyone you love as close as possible.

I have to go there’s half a blunt to my name and Alladin just came on the Disney channel.

if i was a cartoon i would be on him

hope you like my sheets


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