Thursday, March 20, 2008

Morehouse vs Spelman vs Clark Atlanta

All we do in the AUC is argue.

The Clark girls argue with the Spelman Girls, and the Morehouse guys argue with the Clark guys. The thing of it is none of the schools are better than the other, each one is just different. Girls go to Clark for different reasons than they go to Spelman and the same applies to Morehouse. A lot of my friends agree that the girls do look better at Clark (on average), whether this is actually true or not can be debated but the fact remains that there are indeed more girls at Clark than at Spelman. In my opinion there are ducks everywhere you go as well as a few bad youngins, its really nothing to take up arms over.

Some say that Spelman girls are bougie and that Clark girls are more down to Earth, while I agree with some aspects of this statement and see where whoever said it was coming from, it definitley does not apply across the board. When I go to Clark there is a higher chance that if I talk to a female she'll give me the time of day as opposed to Spelman, but thats just been MY personal experience.

I think it's ridiculous that if Morehouse holds a paegent or something like that and it's open to all AUC women (even Morris Brown girls... if there are any jp jp jp) that the Spelmanites will really get upset even mad if someone from Spelman doesn't win. Something to that extent happened earlier this year and a nice young lady happened to win Ms. Something-or-other at Morehouse, those fiesty Spelman girls got so riled up that they decided to re-host their own contest and crown a winner from their school. It's things like this that give Spelman its reputation and make the realtionship with Clark so bitter. Now I know that there are people who have friends at both schools and don't agree with anything I'm saying or think that there are any problems in the AUC... (I just dont know what rock you've been living under) There are always exceptions to the rules.

As for the whole Clark vs Morehouse thing, it's all subliminal. Why do people refer to us as Morehouse Men but refer to my brothers as Clark guys or boys... Thats a problem there within itself and although I'm not offering any particular solution I just thought I would bring it up. That makes Clark MEN take the automatic defense against us dudes over here at the House when it doesn't even have to be like that. I personally feel like Morehouse Men are either loved or hated in the AUC community. Some think we are all dogs. some think we are all gay (i think that the gay population stands about 1/3 personally) and some think were the best thing to happen in the world since Adam. I really dont know how I feel about that whole situation but I try to be the guy that I think women want to see, though it doesn't always show on the weekends. =)

-Tone Rock aka Labonium aka Deer Park aka T-Pain

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