Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Morehouse SGA Elections

My father came into town today and in a commitment trade-off I decided to go out and eat with my dad rather than going to the Morehouse Class Council debates today. Now a lot can be said of all the candidates qualifications, experiences, and shortcomings but they are all generally good guys.

In my opinion the candidates break down as follows.

Mark-Anthony Green: He is a guy that CAN get things done. He has a lot of lofty promises in his platform that if elected he may or may not come through on, his experience is a little sketchy; some of the upperclassmen I have spoken with said he was corny as Freshman class president

Marcus Daniels: This man knows HOW to do things. One thing he has over the other candidates is experience. One thing in question may be people behind the scenes influencing some of his descions. I know for a fact that he cares about the people though, because I have heard him discuss student concerns long before any talks of his candidacy surfaced.

Chad Mance: He knows WHAT needs to be done. Has no experience for the most part. He himself said that he ran on a whim and a prayer. I think he is a nice guy running for the right reasons but at the end of the day I really wonder if he would be able to get anything done.

After The Debates this is how the candiates stand, the pluses and minuses represent their movement down or up on the people's opinion scale.

  1. Mark-Anthony Green (+/-)

  2. Chad Mance (+1)

  3. Marcus Daniels (-2)

And you've got to remember this is all my own personal opinion. And I think it's silly that each of the candidates have all these girls campaigning when we go to an all guys school and they can't even vote...


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