Sunday, July 20, 2008

CNN Black in America Pt.1: My Reaction

I was really disappointed by CNN's much hyped, much anticipated Black in America a town hall style show to discuss the state of Black America. Of course they had assembled the "dream team" of black activists and other influential individuals from around the country, some of those in attendance were Dr. Cornell West (spoke at Morehouse this past spring), Chuck D, The current president of Bennett College Julianne Malveaux (our sister school) and a few other black dignitaries.

In my opinion the show was just like every other special, HBO inside look, or NBC dateline series. A bunch of people saying whats wrong, a few people showing that it's not true and even more people arguing. Most of the show focused on the youth, and how the thousands of black students out there for one reason or another will not make it.

They talked a lot about all of the problems blacks in America face, but none had any real positive tangible solutions. I personally (from my upper middle class p.o.v.) think that the being black in America is not as tough as those proponents of black rights would make it out to be. Yes, there are disenfranchised inner city youth who don't get the same chances as their suburban white counterparts.

Blacks are well represented in congress, we have a black running for President, and I we have a black member on the Supreme Court.

I'm interested to see where the other shows take this...

What are your thoughts? How well do you think they covered the scope of African Americans? What would you have included if you were the producer of the show?


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Blogger Mike Street said...

nice breakdown. No TV so I didn't catch this. I feel a lot of your points, but things are still too out of whack. We need blacks in ALL sections of society: scholastic positions, political positions, social positions. I think we are more optimistic because we go to school with all black people so its easier to be positive about the youth and where we're headed, but all I can say is out here at Columbia the Chinese is taking over so even the white people been slippin these days..and maybe that's a good thing.

July 20, 2008 at 3:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I'll invest in Time Warner (CNN, HBO, New Line Cinema ...) as well as the Fox News Corp. THey seem to be making a killing off of exploiting "Race in 08"...All the promotion that went into this series that basically amounted to the perfect storm of bullshit. Racial profiling, Black women w/aids, single black women....with aids....way more than white women. with guess what again no solutions.

Makes me wonder when black people will grow tired of becoming everyone's hobby horse.

*Holds my breath for CNN's "Poor in America"....dies

July 24, 2008 at 6:12 PM  

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