Saturday, July 19, 2008

This whole exposure thing pt.1

Todd L. Perry II is a snake. If you have spent any extended period of time around him you will realize that you are not safe. When I say "not safe" I mean don't expect him to come at you with intent to kill, just trust that if you say or do something in such a manner that he deems "dickeating, hype, or simple" you will be exposed. (if not on the spot, expect it to come at a time where it will have the most impact)

I myself (Tony Hall) have been recently exposed on the blog for amongst other things, the way that I dress [simple], and a text message I sent Todd when I was happy to hear back from the hundreds after I had sent them an email. [hype]

Now whether or not he was right or wrong for exposing me goes without being said because at the end of the day, he isn't gonna let anything like that ride. I however being the man that I am, will always at least ATTEMPT to retaliate whether it be a good retaliation or a bad one (i feel like you should always at least make an attempt).

Just so you know The Quarterhug Team does not discriminate against or even choose those that we expose. Most of the time the incident will occur in the dark and we just feel like it's our job to bring it to the light. [Craig called me to let me know I was on a little streak for a while]. Soulja Boy just got it, though we don't know him personally.

If you see a post with a label: Dickeat, Exposure, Hype, Simple or the like. Expect some type of exposition to be going on. Until then protect you jewels and guard your neck. Cuz Todd a.k.a. Boog is on the loose... just looking for his next victim.

-Tone Rock (aka Labonium & Bone)

Examples of Previous Exposures: Todd Dickeating, Me being Hype

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Anonymous Anonymous said...


July 19, 2008 at 5:02 PM  

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